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Sustainable development is applied to just about everything from energy to clean water and economic growth, and as a result it has become difficult to question either the basic assumptions behind it or the way the concept is put to use. This is especially true in agriculture, where sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure of progress without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives.To start with, it is important to remember that the nature of agriculture has changed markedly throughout history, and will continue to do so. Medieval agriculture in northern Europe fed, clothed and sheltered a predominantly rural society with a much lower population density than it is today. It had minimal effect on biodiversity, and any pollution it caused was typically localized. In terms of energy use and the nutrients(营养成分)captured in the product it was relatively inefficient.Contrast this with farming since the start of the industrial revolution. Competition from overseas led farmers to specialize and increase yields. Throughout this period food became cheaper, safe and more reliable. However, these changes have also led to habitat(栖息地)loss and to diminishing biodiversity.What’s more, demand for animal products in developing countries is growing so fast that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain a year by 2050, yet the growth of cities and industry is reducing the amount of water available for agriculture in many regions.All this means that agriculture in the 21st century will have to be very different from how it was in the 20th. This will require radical thinking. For example, we need to move away from the idea that traditional practices are inevitably more sustainable than new ones. We also need to abandon the notion that agriculture can be “zero impact”. The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static measures of sustainability, which centre on the need to maintain production without increasing damage.Instead we need a more dynamic interpretation, one that looks at the pros and cons(正反两方面)of all the various way land is used. There are many different ways to measure agricultural performance besides food yield: energy use, environmental costs, water purity, carbon footprint and biodiversity. It is clear, for example, that the carbon of transporting tomatoes from Spain to the UK is less than that of producing them in the UK with additional heating and lighting. But we do not know whether lower carbon footprints will always be better for biodiversity.What is crucial is recognizing that sustainable agriculture is not just about sustainable food production.1.How do people often measure progress in agriculture?2.Specialization and the effort to increase yields have resulted in ( ).3.What does the author think of traditional farming practices?4.What will agriculture be like in the 21st century?5.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?


Petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, home heating oil, residual fuel oil and lubricating oils, come from one source—crude oil found below the earth’s surface as well as under large bodies of water, from a few hundred feet below the earth’s surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the earth’s interior. Sometimes crude oil is secured by drilling a hole through the earth, but more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil. Pressure at the source of pumping forces crude oil to the surface.Crude oil wells flow at varying rates, from ten to thousands of barrels per hour. Petroleum products are always measured in 42-gallon barrels.Petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance: thin, thick, transparent or opaque, but their chemical composition is made up of only two elements: carbon and hydrogen, which form compounds called hydrocarbons. Other chemical elements found in union with the hydrocarbons are few and are classified as impurities. Trace elements are also found, but those are of such minute quantities that they are disregarded. The combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of compounds which are possible because of the various positions and joining of these two atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule.The various petroleum products are refined from the crude oil by heating and condensing the vapors. These products are the so-called light oils, such as gasoline, kerosene and distillate oil. The residue remaining after the light oils are distilled is known as heavy or residue fuel oil and is used mostly for burning under boilers. Additional complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure of the hydrocarbons to produce other products, some of which are used to upgrade and increase the octane rating of various types of gasoline.1.Which of the following is NOT true?2.Many thousands of hydrocarbon compounds are possible because ( ).3.Which of the following is true?4.How is crude oil brought to the surface?5.Which of the following is NOT listed as a light oil?


When companies do business overseas, they come in contact with people from different cultures. These individuals often speak a different language and have their own particular custom and manners. These differences can create problems.For example, in France, business meetings begin promptly at the designated time and everyone is expected to be there. Foreign business people who are tardy are often left outside to cool their heels as a means of letting them know the importance of promptness. Unless one is aware of such expected behaviors he may end up insulting the people with whom he hopes to establish trade relations.A second traditional problem is that of monetary conversions. For example, if a transaction is conducted with Russia, payment may be made in rubles. Of course, this currency is of little value to the American firm. It is, therefore, necessary to convert the foreign currency to American dollars. How much are these Russian rubles worth in terms of dollars? This conversion rate is determined by every market, where the currencies of countries are bought and sold. Thus there is an established rate, although it will often fluctuate from day to day. For example, the ruble maybe worth 0.75 on Monday and 0.72 on Tuesday because of an announced wheat shortage in Russia. In addition, there is the dilemma associated with converting at 0.72. Some financial institutions may be unwilling to pay this price, feeling that the ruble will sink much lower over the next week. As a result, conversion may finally come at 0.69. These “losses” must be accepted by the company as one of the costs of doing business overseas.A third unique problem is trade barriers. For one reason or another, all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their borders. Some trade barriers are directly related to exports. For example, the United States permits strategic military material to be shipped abroad only after government permission has been obtained. Most trade barriers, however, are designed to restrict import. Two of the most common import barriers are quotas and tariffs.1.The best title for the passage would be( ). 2.In France, tardy business people ( ). 3.According to the passage, conversion rates ( ). 4.The intended audience of this passage are ( ). 5.Which of the following is likely to be discussed in the next paragraph?


It is well known that teenage boys tend to do better(1)math than girls, that male high school students are more likely than their female counterparts(2) advanced math courses like calculus, that virtually all the great mathematicians(3)men. Are women born with(4)mathematical ability? Or does society’s sexism slow their progress? In 1980, two Johns Hopkins University researchers tried(5)the eternal nature/nurture debate. Julian Stanley and Camilla Benbow(6)10,000 talented seventh and eighth graders between 1972 and 1979. Using the Scholastic Aptitude Test, in which math questions are meant to measure ability rather than knowledge, they discovered(7)sex differences.(8)the verbal abilities of the males and females(9)differed, twice as many boys as girls scored over 500(on a scale of 200 to 800)on mathematical ability; at the 700 level, the ratio was 14 to 1. The conclusion: males have(10)superior mathematical reasoning ability.Benbow and Stanley’s findings,(11)were published in “Science”, disturbed some men and(12)women. Now there is comfort for those people in a new study from the University of Chicago that suggests math(13)not, after all, a natural male domain. Prof. Zalman Usiskin studied 1,366 tenth graders. They were selected from geometry classes and tested on their ability to solve geometry proofs, a subject requiring(14)abstract reasoning and spatial ability. The conclusion(15)by Usiskin: there are no sex differences in math ability.





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