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It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. We live in a consumer society where there is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds. Moreover, an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such an increase presumes an abundant and cheap energy supply. Many people believe that nuclear energy provides an inexhaustible and economical source of power and chat it is therefore essential for an industrially developing society. There are a number of other advantages in the use of nuclear energy. Firstly, nuclear power, except for accidents, is clean. A further advantage is that a nuclear power station can be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff. The nuclear reactor represents an enormous step in our scientific evolution and, whatever the anti-nuclear group says, it is wrong to expect a return to more primitive sources of fuel. However, opponents of nuclear energy point out that nuclear power stations bring a direct threat not only to the environment but also to civil liberties.Furthermore, it is questionable whether ultimately nuclear power is a cheap source of energy. There have, for example, been very costly accidents in America, in Britain and, of course, in Russia. The possibility of increases in the cost of uranium in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market. In the long run, environmentalists argue, nuclear energy wastes valuable resources and disturbs the ecology to an extent which could bring about the destruction of the human race. Thus, if we wish to survive, we cannot afford nuclear energy. In spite of the case against nuclear energy outlined above, nuclear energy programmes are expanding. Such an expansion assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer demands. However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue. Having weighed up the arguments on both sides, it seems there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power.1. The writer’s attitude toward nuclear energy is ________.2. According to the opponents of nuclear energy, nuclear energy is ________.3. Some people claim that nuclear energy is essential because ________.4. Which of the following statements does the writer support?5. The function of the last sentence is to ________.


No woman can be too rich or too thin. This saying often attributed to the late Duchess (公爵夫人) of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times. Being thin is deemed as such a virtue. The problem with such a view is that some people actually attempt to live by it. I myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothes. Consequently, I have been on a diet for the better—or worse—part of my life. Being rich wouldn’t be bad either, but that won’t happen, unless an unknown relative dies suddenly in some distant land, leaving me millions of dollars. Where did we go off the track? When did eating butter become a sin, and a little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent? All religions have certain days when people refrain from eating and excessive eating is one of Christianity’s seven deadly sins. However, until quite recently, most people had a problem getting enough to eat. In some religious groups, wealth was a symbol of probable salvation and high morals, and fatness a sign of wealth and well-being.Today the opposite is true. We have shifted to thinness as our new mark of virtue. The result is that being fat—or even only somewhat overweight—is bad because it implies a lack of moral strength. Our obsession (迷恋) with thinness is also fueled by health concerns. It is true that in this country we have more overweight people than ever before, and that, in many cases, being overweight correlates with an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease. These diseases, however, may have as much to do with our way of life and our high-fat diets as with excess weight. And the associated risk of cancer in the digestive system may be more of a dietary problem—too much fat and a lack of fiber—than a weight problem. The real concern, then, is not that we weight too much, but that we neither exercise enough nor eat well. Exercise is necessary for strong bones and both heart and lung health. A balanced diet without a lot of fat can also help the body avoid many diseases. We should surely stop paying so much attention to weight. Simply being thin is not enough. It is actually hazardous if those who get (or already are) thin think they are automatically healthy and thus free from paying attention to their overall life-style. Thinness can be pure vainglory (虚荣).1. In the eyes of the author, an odd phenomenon nowadays is that ________.2. Swept by the prevailing trend, the author ________.3. In human history, people’s views on body weight ________.4. The author criticizes women’s obsession with thinness ________.5. What’s the author’s advice to women who are absorbed in the idea of thinness?


I have an infatuation (迷恋) with autumn. The colors of the season, and the smells, have always thrilled me. I have always found joy in this time of year. The last few autumns of my life, however, I recollect in shades of gray rather than cheerful oranges and yellows.When I became a single mother, every aspect of life took on new meaning. Since I was used to carrying out most of the parental duties without much help during my marriage, I truly did not foresee how different parenting would become after the marriage was over. But suddenly I realized I was a statistic. The daily routine was not changed so much; it was the angle at which I had begun to look at life.I believed my ex-husband’s lawyer was tracking every grade the children made, and I was under a microscope in this new town where the children and I moved our “broken home”. I feared having to eventually establish my family with each new teacher and each new term as a single-parent family. I just wanted to be us again, without the stigma (耻辱) of the label that put on us.During those few gray years, I would reassure myself that soon things would be better, and that I would someday be able to feel whole again. There is no mathematical equation of adults proportioned to children to equal a stable, loving family. Every family has its strengths. In fact, studies show that in families who read together, eat together and communicate openly, children are likely to succeed academically, as well as socially and emotionally. I am sure these habits are just as effective when practiced in single-parent families. I realize now that I am not a statistic. We are an active, vital family in this charming community, where we are not marked by any stigma of any statistics of any focus groups.We are given opportunity, all of us. We are surrounded by beauty and immersed in possibility. There is joy to be found here, in what we see around us and in creating our own rendition of how we want to be seen. There is strength and grace in our own willingness to break free from conformity without falling behind the barriers of self-imposed limitations or preconceived notions of where we should fit in this world according to research.1. What does the last sentence of paragraph one imply?2. After the divorce, ________.3. According to the passage, ________ brought the unpleasant change in her life.4. In the few gray years, the author ________.5. What is the author’s main point?


About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in seeing to it that all children, whatever their background, were fairly treated, intelligence testing became unpopular. Some thought it was unfair to minority children. Through the past few decades such testing has gone out of fashion and many communities have indeed forbidden it.However, paradoxically, just recently a group of black parents filed lawsuit (诉讼) in California claiming that the state’s ban on IQ testing discriminates against their children by denying them the opportunity to take the test. (They believed, correctly, that IQ tests are a valid method of evaluating children for special education classes.) The judge, therefore, reversed, at least partially, his original decision.And so the argument goes on and on. Does it benefit or harm children from minority groups to have their intelligence tested? We have always been on the side of permitting, even facilitating, such testing. If a child of any color or group is doing poorly in school it seems to us very important to know whether it is because he or she is of low intelligence, or whether some other factor is the cause.What school and family can do to improve poor performance is influenced by its cause. It is not discriminative to evaluate either a child’s physical condition or his intellectual level. Unfortunately, intellectual level seems to be a sensitive subject, and what the law allows us to do varies from time to time. The same fluctuation back and forth occurs in areas other than intelligence. Thirty years or so ago, for instance, white families were encouraged to adopt black children. It was considered discriminative not to do so.And then the style changed and this cross-racial adopting became generally unpopular, and social agencies felt that black children should go to black families only. It is hard to say what are the best procedures. But surely good will on the part of all of us is needed. As to intelligence, in our opinion, the more we know about any child’s intellectual level, the better for the child in question.1. Why did the intelligence test become unpopular in the past few decades?2. The recent legal action taken by some black parents in California aimed to ________.3. The author believes that intelligence testing ________.4. The author’s opinion of child adoption seems to be that ________.5. Child adoption is mentioned in the passage to show that ________.


It is hardly necessary for me to cite all the evidence of the depressing state of literacy. These figures from the Department of Education are sufficient: 27 million Americans cannot read at all, and a further 35 million read at a level that is less than sufficient to survive in our society.But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem of elemental literacy than it is of the slightly more luxurious problem of the decline in the skill even of the middle-class reader, of his unwillingness to afford those spaces of silence, those luxuries of domesticity and time and concentration, that surround the image of the classic act of reading. It has been suggested that almost 80 percent of America’s literate, educated teenagers can no longer read without an accompanying noise (music) in the background or a television screen flickering (闪烁) at the corner of their field of perception. We know very little about the brain and how it deals with simultaneous conflicting input, but every common-sense intuition suggests we should be profoundly alarmed. This violation of concentration, silence, solitude (独处的状态) goes to the very heart of our notion of literacy; this new form of part-reading, of part-perception against background distraction renders impossible certain essential acts of apprehension and concentration, let alone that most important tribute any human being can pay to a poem or a piece of prose he or she really loves, which is to learn it by heart. Not by brain, by heart; the expression is vital.Under these circumstances, the question of what future there is for the arts of reading is a real one. Ahead of us lie technical, Psychic (心理的), and social transformations probably much more dramatic than those brought about by Gutenberg, the German inventor in printing. The Gutenberg revolution, as we now know it, took a long time: its effects are still being debated. The information revolution will touch every fact of composition, publication, distribution, and reading. No one in the book industry can say with any confidence what will happen to the book as we’ve known it.1. The picture of the reading ability of the American people, drawn by the author, is ________.2. The author’s biggest concern is ________.3. A major problem with most adolescents who can read is ________.4. The author claims that the best way a reader can show admiration for a piece of poetry or prose is ________.5. About the future of the arts of reading the author feels ________.


What makes Americans spend nearly half their food dollars on meals away from home? The answers lie in the way Americans live today. During the first few decades of the twentieth century, canned and other convenience foods freed the family cook from full-time duty at the kitchen range. Then, in the 1940s, work in the wartime defense plants took more women out of the home ever before, setting the pattern of the working wife and mother.Today about half of the country’s married women are employed outside the home. But, unless family members pitch in with food preparation, women are not fully liberated from that chore. It’s easier to pick up a bucket of fried chicken on the way home from work or take the family out for pizzas or burgers than to start opening cans or heating up frozen dinners after a long, hard day.Also, the rising divorce rate means that there are more single working parents with children to feed. And many young adults and elderly people, as well as unmarried and divorced mature people, live alone rather than as a part of a family unit and don’t want to bother cooking for one.Fast food is appealing because it is fast, it doesn’t require any dressing up, it offers a “fun” break in the daily routine, and the outlay of money seems small. It can be eaten in the car—sometimes picked up at a drive-in window without even getting out—or on the run. Even if it is brought home to eat, there will never be any dirty dishes to wash because of the handy disposable wrappings. Children, especially, love fast food because it’s finger food, no struggling with knives and forks, no annoying instructions from adults about table manners.1. Americans enjoy fast food mainly because ________.2. It can be inferred that children ________.3. Many Americans are eating out and not cooking at home nowadays because ________.4. According to the text, a drive-in window is a(an) ________.5. The expression “pitch in with” (Para. 2) probably means ________.


For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up with their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In ___1___ a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend ___2___ can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are ___3___ readers. Most of us develop poor reading ___4___ at an early age, and never get over them. The main deficiency ___5___ in the actual stuff of language itself—words. Taken individually, words have ___6___ until they are strung together into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. ___7___, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing to ___8___ words or passages. Regression, the tendency to look back over ___9___ you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which ___10___ down the speed of reading is vocalization-sounding each word either orally or mentally as ___11___ reads.To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called an ___12___, which moves a bar down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate ___13___ the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, ___14___ word-by-word reading, regression and sub-vocalization practically impossible. At first ___15___ is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas and concepts, you will not only read faster, ___16___ your comprehension will improve. Many people have found their reading skill drastically improved after some ___17___. ___18___ Charlce Au, a business manager, for instance, his reading rate was a reasonably good 172 words a minute ___19___ the training, now it is an excellent 1,378 words a minute. He is delighted that how he can ___20___ a lot more reading material in a short period of time.





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