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Most Americans think of vegetarians as a minority, as food faddists. In fact, in this country people who include meat in their diets are the majority; but throughout the world, meat eaters are, and have been, the minority themselves. Though archaeologists can demonstrate that humans have kept animals for food for thousands of years, meat was generally for the rich: the poor in most countries are vegetarians. And the followers of many religions are also vegetarians. The Hindus, the Buddhists, the Sufis, and other groups do not eat meat.In fact, religion is a major reason still for choosing a vegetarian diet; many religions teach that eating meat weakens one’s spirit. Adam and Eve were told to eat fruits and vegetables, according to Genesis. When Daniel was facing the lions, he followed a vegetarian diet, so he could remain pure.Other vegetarians believe they are healthier than people who eat meat. Though this has never been scientifically proved, popular works on vegetarian diets often promise better health. There is evidence to show that vegetarians have greater stamina, and many people on vegetarian diets live long lives.Some people do not eat meat for economic reasons; meat is expensive and, in many parts of the world, very scarce. The most common reason for choosing a vegetarian diet, though, is the ethical one. Why do humans feel that they must kill other beings in order to eat well? Most vegetarians admit that they find eating the flesh of dead animals revolting. In fact, they refer to “flesh-eaters” as we might refer to cannibals and also use the zoo label “carnivore” interchangeably.Because choice of diet is a cultural and ethical matter, not all vegetarian diets are alike. Ovo-vegetarians eat vegetables, but will allow themselves eggs. The lactovegetarian eats vegetables mainly, but adds dairy foods such as milk and cheese. These two categories of vegetarians feel that eggs and dairy products are permissible; taking these products does no harm to the cow or chicken. Strict vegetarian ways are represented by the Vegan Society, whose members prefer the label “vegan.” Vegans live “on the products of the plant kingdom.” Not only do vegans avoid meat; they also avoid eggs, honey, and milk in any form. They reason that it is as cruel to rob animals as it is to kill animals.A vegetarian must be careful to maintain a balanced diet; and of course a carnivore—or omnivore, really, because most people in America eat both meat and vegetables—must be equally careful. Excellent nutrition is important, whether for vegetarians or the rest of us (many people who eat meat assume their diet is nutritional for that reason alone). No one has ever been able to prove definitely that one diet is more beneficial than the other.The most compelling argument in favor of vegetarianism, however, is vegetarianism’s efficiency. The periodical Scientific American estimated in 1976 that there are enough plants to support several times the current world population; but if those plants are first fed to an animal to fatten it for slaughter, there is an 80 percent loss in efficiency by the time a human eats a pound of meat. Every human consumes 260 pounds of food annually to avoid starvation, and there are adequate food crops available to provide that 260 pounds for every one of us. The question is: Do we eat the plants, or do we eat the animal to which we feed them? And do we let someone else go hungry?1. The purpose of this passage is to ______.2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?3. We can conclude from the passage that ______.4. The passage suggests that ______.5. As used in this passage, the word “faddists” means ______.





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