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与你的个人外表和自我态度一样,你做生意的方式也可以使客户产生良好的印象。当拜访客户时,很重要的一点是谈话开门见山。他并不会真的对你所谈论的天气情况,前一天晚 上的总统演说,或是星期天的橄榄球赛感兴趣。他也不会对你夸奖他的西装好看,和墙上的照片中他女儿的模样令人倾倒感兴趣。这样的闲聊是一种不真诚的表现形式,而且侵占了他的时间。我一直认为直截了当是最有效的,因此我向你保证任何一个商人都会因为你能这样做而对你尊重有加。正如外表决定了人的第一印象,外表也同样决定了产品、地点以及公司的第一印象。比方说,你也许注意到了生意兴隆饭店的泊车服务生会把劳斯莱斯、奔驰、凯迪拉克等 汽车停在最显眼的位置,这样你在走向饭店门口的时候一定会看到它们。我过去以为这么做是因为有钱人给了更多的消费,但真实的原因是每个成功的饭店经营者都懂得良好的形象能推销食品。他想告诉公众:我们招待的是懂格调的客人。因此,很明显,我们的食物一定是精心烹饪的。一个干净整洁的外表也表示你讲效率有条理 ——我所知道的公司无不希望拥有这样的形象。如果你曾经走进过汽车维修站一间干净而整齐的车库,我确信你会和我一样,认为把车留在那里进行维护感觉更舒服一些。


Bangladeshi communities that are already being poisoned by arsenic-tainted(含砷) groundwater are facing an appalling new threat. Their rice and vegetables are also laced with high level of arsenic.The health effects of eating such tainted food are not yet known, but the ramifications(门类) could be enormous. The WHO says contaminated drinking water alone could kill 270,080 Bangladeshis over the next decade.In a terrible irony, arsenic entered the Bangladeshi water supply when UNICEF and other international agencies sank millions of tube veils to provide clean drinking water. But the wells tapped into groundwater contaminated by arsenic from sedimentary deposits deep below Bangladesh. To deal with the problem, UNICEF and the World Bank have been testing water from wells and marking them safe or dangerous — but that testing program has been found to be flawed.To make matters worse, water from the wells is also used to irrigate paddy(水稻)fields. However, until now it wasn’t known whether or not the rice was accumulating-arsenic. Tests on rice samples from around Bangladesh had found that arsenic levels did indeed vary according to the strength of local arsenic contamination in the soil and groundwater.Arsenic levels in different varieties of rice ranged from about 0.05 to 1.8 parts per million. In Europe and the US, levels are around 0.05 parts per million. The WHO recommends a maximum level of 0.01 parts per million in drinking water — but therefore, no guidelines for levels in foods.Ravi Naidu at CSIRO in Adelaide and his colleagues have been studying the uptake of arsenic from the soil by Bangladeshi crops.Their data shows that arum, a popular vegetables has arsenic levels of nearly 150 parts per million. It is usually grown in wet zones adjacent to the tube wells. But some vegetables such as spinach and beans are relatively free from arsenic. The rice grains studied by Naidu’s team had arsenic levels that ranged from undetectable to over 1.6 parts per million. Their calculation show that nearly 30 per cent of the total arsenic intake for people in Bangladesh may be coming from their food.If the body can absorb arsenic from food — and this is yet to be proven — then merely tackling drinking water contamination will not be enough. Researchers fear that paddy fields will continue to be irrigated from poisoned tube wells because Bangladesh does not have enough arsenic-free water for agriculture.1.The central idea of the passage is about(  ).2.From the passage we learn that water contamination of Bangladesh was caused by(  ).3.The passage implies that the arsenic in drinking water in Europe and the US is(  ).4.In order to reduce arsenic intake, the Bangladeshis should avoid eating(  ).5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?


Architects are hopeless when it comes to deciding whether the public will view their designs as marvels or monstrosities, according to a study by Canadian psychologists. They say designers should go back to school to learn about ordinary people’s tastes.Many buildings that appeal to architects get the thumbs down from the public. Robert Gifford of the University of Victoria in British Columbia decided to find out whether architects understand public preferences and simply disagree with them, or fail to understand the lay person’s view.With his colleague Graham Brown, he asked 25 experienced architects to look at photos of 42 large building in the US, Canada, Europe and Hong Kong. The architects predicted how the public would rate the building on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 represented “terrible” and 10 “excellent”. A further 27 people who were not architects also scored the buildings out of 10. In addition, eight architects gave their own personal ratings of the buildings.The three groups tended to agree among themselves on a building’s merits. And architects correctly predicted that lay people would on average rate buildings higher than they did themselves. But for individual buildings, the architects’ perceptions of what the lay people would think were often way off the mark. “Some architects are quite good at predicting lay preferences, but others are not only poor at it, they get it backwards.” Says Gifford.For instance, architects gave the Stockley Park Building B-3 offices in London a moderate rating of 5.2. They thought the public would like it much better, predicting a rating of 6.3. But the public actually disliked the offices, and gave it 4.7. Gifford thinks that lay people respond to specific features of buildings, such as durability and originality, and hopes to pin down what they are.“Architects in architecture school need to be taught how lay people think about buildings,” Gifford concludes. He doesn’t think designers should pander to the lowest common denominator, but suggests they should aspire towards buildings that appeal to the public and architects alike, such as the Bank of China building in Hong Kong.Marco Goldschmidt of the Richard Rogers Partnership, designers of the Millennium Dome in London, thinks the study is flawed. “The authors have assumed, wrongly, that buildings can be meaningfully judged from photographs rather than actual visits,” he says. Goldschmidt think it would be more significant and interesting to look at the divergence of public taste between generations.1.What dose the first paragraph of this passage imply?2.Through his study, Robert Gifford found that(  ).3.From the passage we can learn that the Bank of China building in Hong Kong(  ).4.Marco Goldschmidt thinks that Gifford’s study is flawed because(  ).5.What dose the passage mainly deal with?


Have you ever felt your life go into slow motion as you realize something bad is happening? You might have just knocked over a wine glass or noticed a car hurtling towards you, for example. Now scientists have measured exactly how much these attention-grabbing events slow down our perception of the world around us.Another example of the world appearing to slow down is when you are hanging on the phone waiting for someone to pick up at the other end. If your attention wanders while you’re waiting, then suddenly switches back, you will probably hear what seems like a longer than usual silence before hearing the dialing tone again. For you, time will have momentarily slowed.To see how our perception of time changes when something new happens, Vincent Walsh and his colleagues put headphones on volunteers and played eight beeps to their right ears. The gap between each beep was exactly 1 second, except for the gap between the fourth and fifth beeps, which the scientists could make shorter or longer. They altered the length of this gap until the volunteers estimated it was the same length as the other gaps. The researchers found that, on average, people judge a second slightly short, at 955 milliseconds.In the second part of the experiment, the first four beeps were played to the subject’s right ear, but the other four were then played to their left. Again, the volunteers were asked to estimate when the gap between the fourth and fifth beeps was the same as the others. This time they judged a second to be even shorter as 825 milliseconds long.Perceiving a second to be much shorter than it is makes you feel as though the world has gone into slow motion, since less happens in that slice of time. Walsh thinks the effect could have evolved to give us a fraction more time to react to potentially threatening events.Last year, Kieran Yarrow, a British psychologist found a similar effect with vision. When you glance at a clock, the first second will seem longer than it really is.Yarrow’s results showed that time appear to slow down by a similar amount as Walsh found. Previous studies have shown that cooling the body slows down our perception of time while warming it up has the opposite effect.1.After you noticed a car hurtling towards you, you might feel that(  ) .2.According to the passage, hanging on the phone waiting for someone to pick up at the other end, you might(  ).3.Vincent Walsh and his colleagues did the experiment in order to(  ).4.What have Vincent and his colleagues found through the experiment?5.From the passage we can infer that when we are hot, we’ll feel time(  ).


Experienced baseball fielders can tell how far a ball is going to travel just by listening to the crack of the bat. If they didn't, they wouldn't stand a chance of catching it, claims a physicist in New York.“When a baseball is hit straight at an outfielder, he cannot quickly judge the angle of the scent and the distance the ball will travel, ” says Robert Adair, a physicist at Yale University. If he relied purely upon visual information, the fielder would have to wait for about one-and-a-half seconds before he could tell accurately if the pitcher hit the ball long or short. By this time the ball may have traveled too far for him to reach it in time.To stand a fighting chance of catching it, according to Adair, fielders must listen to the sound the ball hitting the bat to judge how far it will travel. There is anecdotal evidence to support this, he says. A former centre fielder told Adair: “If I heard a crack I ran out, if I heard a clunk, I ran in.”To test his hypothesis, Adair calculated how quickly a fielder could change direction if he had misjudged whether the ball was going long or short. The difference between the “crack” and “clunk” can be explained by how well the batter has hit the ball, and could mean a difference in running distance of as much as 30 meters, he told delegates at a meeting of the Acoustical Society of American in Chicago last week.Scientists already knew that to hit a ball long the batter must strike it somewhere near the vibrational node of the bat, known as the sweet spot. Balls hit on the sweet spot generate fewer energy-sapping vibrations in the bat, allowing greater energy transfer to the ball. Conversely, mishit balls make the bat vibrate strongly and so do not travel as far.Adair is quick to point out that this only applies to wooden bats, which are used in major league baseball. Aluminum bats, on the other hand, tend to produce a fairly uniform “ping” sound regardless of where you hit them.1.According to Robert Adair, why can’t an outfielder rely purely on visual information?2.From paragraph 3 we can infer that a “crack” may mean ( ) .3.If the bat vibrates very little, ( ) .4.Adair points out that his theory can’t be applied to aluminum bats because ( ) .5.Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of this passage?


Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious(1) to how they can best(2) such changes. Growing bodies need movement and(3), but not just in ways that emphasize competition. (4)they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the(5)that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are(6)by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be(7)to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, (8), publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, (9)student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide (10)opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful(11)dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the(12)of some kind of organization with a supportive adult(13)visible in the background.In these activities, it is important to remember that the young teens have(14)attention spans. A variety of activities should be organized(15)participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to(16)else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants(17). This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. (18)they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by(19)for roles that are within thei(20)and their attention spans and by shaving clearly stated rules.





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