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Water makes up nearly three-quarters of the Earth’s surface, but it does more than just cover our planet—it also plays a vital role in shaping it.Consider the Grand Canyon. Measuring 277 miles long, 18 miles wide and more than 1 mile deep, it is considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and attracts more than 5 million visitors per year. This geological marvel was created by the waters of the Colorado River through the processes of weathering and erosion.Weathering is the process by which moving water breaks down soil, rock and minerals, and erosion is the process by which the flowing water transports soil and rock from one spot and deposits it elsewhere. The two processes often occur in conjunction.Weathering and erosion are very slow processes. Geologists believe the Colorado River has been flowing through the Grand Canyon for at least 17 million years, and it has been gradually shaping the canyon this entire time. The flowing water of the river and its tributaries has carved away at the rock of the Colorado Plateau, creating the sight we are familiar with today.Caves and caverns are another example of weathering and erosion. Limestone caves, such as the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, are formed when rainwater mixes with carbon dioxide in the ground and wears away at the limestone. Sea caves, which can be found along coastlines, are formed when powerful waves crash against the shore and break away chunks of rock. Ice caves are formed when glaciers melt and the ice melt flows across the ground as a stream.You don’t have to travel very far to see the effects of weathering and erosion for yourself, though. If you’ve ever been to the beach, you’ve already seen evidence of how powerful of a force moving water can be — and all you had to do was look down. The sand covering the beach is actually the result of rocks being broken down into tiny pieces and then washed ashore by the waves.Although weathering and erosion are responsible for creating beautiful sights such as sandy beaches and the Grand Canyon, there are many negative consequences as well. Landslides are some of the most dangerous side effects of erosion. When hillsides or mountainsides are gradually worn away, they can become unstable and break down, especially when triggered by extreme weather such as floods, heavy rain or snow. Every year, landslides cause massive amounts of property damage and casualties.1. What are the processes by which water can shape the Earth?2. What does the author describe in the passage?3. How does the author present the Grand Canyon?4. In the last paragraph, the author mentions landslides to make the point that erosion ________.


As fifteen-year-old Perry shuffled into my office, with his parents trailing tentatively behind, he glanced at me with a strained neutral expression that I’d found usually masked either great anger or great distress; in Perry’s case it was both. Although anorexia (厌食症) is a disorder most often associated with girls, Perry was the third in a line of anorexic boys I had recently seen.Perry refused to eat with his family, always claiming he wasn’t hungry at the time and that he preferred to eat later in his room. New menus, gentle encouragement, veiled threats, nagging, and outright bribes had all been tried, to no avail. Why would an otherwise healthy fifteen-year-old boy be starving himself? The question hung urgently in the air as we all talked.Let’s be clear from the outset: Perry was a smart, good kid, shy, unassuming, and generally unlikely to cause trouble. He was getting straight A’s in a challenging and competitive public school honors curriculum that spring. And he later told me that he hadn’t gotten a B on his report card since fourth grade, in some ways he was every parent’s dream child.But beneath his academic success, Perry faced a world of troubles. One big problem was that while Perry was a strong achiever, he was not at all a happy one. “I hate waking up in the morning because there’s all this stuff I have to do,” he said. “I just keep making lists of things to do and checking them off each day. Not just schoolwork, but extracurricular activities, so I can get into a good college.”Perry was gifted enough to jump through the academic hoops that had been set for him, but it felt like little more than hoop-jumping, and this ate at him. But that wasn’t his only problem.Perry was well-loved by his parents, as are most of the young people we see. But in their efforts to nurture and support him, his parents inadvertently increased his mental strain. Over time, they had taken on all his household chores, in order to leave him more time for schoolwork and activities. “That’s his top priority,” they said almost in unison when I asked about this. Although removing the chores from Perry’s plate gave him a bit more time, it ultimately left him feeling even more useless and tense. He never really did anything for anyone except suck up their time and money, and he knew it. And if he thought about backing off on his schoolwork well, look how much his parents were pouring into making it go well. Sandwiched between fury and guilt, Perry had literally begun to wither.1. This passage is narrated from the point of view of ________.2. According to the passage, Perry’s two biggest problems were ________.3. The primary purpose of the passage is to ________.4. The word “inadvertently” (Para. 6) most nearly means “ ________”.


Although many companies offer tuition reimbursement (返还), most companies only reimburse employees for classes that are relevant to their position. This is a very limiting policy. A company that reimburses employees for all college credit courses—whether job related or not—offers a service not only to the employees, but to the entire company.One good reason for giving employees unconditional tuition reimbursement is that it shows the company’s dedication to its employees. In today’s economy, where job security is a thing of the past and employees feel more and more expendable it is important for a company to demonstrate to its employees that it cares. The best way to do this is with concrete investments in them.In turn, this dedication to the betterment of company employees will create greater employee loyalty. A company that puts out funds to pay for the education of its employees will get its money back by having employees stay with the company longer. It will reduce employee turnover (流动), because even employees who don’t take advantage of the tuition reimbursement program will be more loyal to their company just knowing that their company cares enough to pay for their education.Most importantly, the company that has an unrestricted tuition reimbursement program will have higher quality employees. Although these companies do indeed run the risk of losing money on employees who go on to another job in a different company as soon as they get their degree, more often than not, the employee will stay with the company. And even if employees do leave after graduation, it generally takes several years to complete any degree program. Thus, even if the employee leaves upon graduating, throughout those years, the employer will have a more sophisticated; more intelligent, and therefore more valuable and productive employee. And if the employee stays, that education will doubly benefit the company: Not only is the employee more educated, but now that employee can be promoted so the company doesn’t have to fill a high-level vacancy from the outside. Open positions can be filled by people who already know the company well.Though unconditional tuition reimbursement requires a significant investment on the employer’s part, it is perhaps one of the wisest investments a company can make.1. As can be learned from the passage, tuition reimbursement means that ________.2. According to the passage, unconditional tuition reimbursement is good for which of the following reasons?3. The passage suggests that, compared to employees of companies that offer unconditional tuition reimbursement, employees of companies that do not offer this benefit are ________.4. The main idea of the passage is that ________.


Low wages, chronic unemployment and underemployment lead to low income, lack of property ownership, absence of savings, absence of food reserves in the home, and a chronic shortage of cash. These conditions reduce the possibility of effective participation in the larger economic system. And as a response to these conditions we find in the culture of poverty a high incidence of borrowing from local money lenders at high rates of interest, the use of secondhand clothing and furniture, and the pattern of frequent buying of small quantities of food many times a day as the need arises.People with a culture of poverty produce very little wealth and receive very little in return. They have a low level of literacy and education, are not members of political parties, generally do not participate in the national welfare agencies, and make very little use of banks, hospitals, department stores and museums. They have a critical attitude toward some of the basic institutions of the dominant classes, hatred of the police, mistrust of government and those in high position. This gives the culture of poverty a high potential for protest and for being used in political movements aimed against the existing social order.People with a culture of poverty are aware of middle-class values, talk about them and even claim some of them as their own, but on the whole they do not live by them. For example, many will tell you that marriage by law, by the church, or by both is the ideal form of marriage, but few will marry. To men who have no steady jobs or other sources of income, who do not own property and have no wealth to pass on to their children, who are present-time oriented and who want to avoid the expense and legal difficulties involved in formal marriage and divorce, free unions or consensual marriages make a lot of sense. Women will often turn down offers of marriage because they feel it ties them down to men who are immature and generally unreliable. Women feel that consensual union gives them a better break; it gives them some of the freedom and flexibility that men have. By not giving the fathers of their children legal status as husbands, the women have a stronger claim on their children if they decide to leave their men. Free union also gives women exclusive rights to a house or any other property they may own.1. According to the author, a defining characteristic of poor people is that they ________.2. The author uses the phrase “culture of poverty” (Para. 2) to suggest that ________.3. By asserting that the culture of poverty can be used by political movements, the author is ________.4. Men and women in the culture of poverty who avoid legalized marriages ________.


The two-month-old baby has hardly roused himself from the long night of his first weeks in this world when he is confronted with some of the difficult problems of the race. We invite him to study the nature of reality, to differentiate self and non-self, and to establish useful criteria in each of these categories.A similar project in academic research would require extensive laboratory equipment and personnel; to be fair about it, it has taken just that to reconstruct the experiments of the infant. And there are few grown and qualified scientists who can equal the infant for zeal and energy in sorting out the raw data in this project. His equipment is limited to his sensory organs, his hands, his mouth, and a primitive memory apparatus.At two months, as we have seen, he recognizes an object that we know to be a human face and we know to be an object outside himself. But to the baby this is just an image, an image incidentally that he can’t differentiate from the mental image, the picture in memory. But this face is one piece in the jigsaw puzzle—a key piece, we think. Then gradually in the weeks to come the association of breast or bottle, of hands, voice, a multitude of pleasurable sense experiences begin to cluster around this face and to form the crude image of a person.Meantime the infant is conducting a series of complicated experiments in sensory discrimination. We must remember that in the early months he does not discriminate between his body and other bodies. When he clutches the finger of his mother or his father he doesn’t see it as someone else’s finger and his behavior indicates that he treats it exactly the same as he does his own finger. It takes him some time, in fact, to recognize his own hand at sight and to acquire even a rudimentary feeling that this is part of his own body. In the first group of experiments he discovers that the object that passes occasionally in front of his eyes (which we know to be his hand) is the same as the object with visual and taste qualities that he can identify. In another experimental series he discovers that the sensations that accompany the introduction of this object into his mouth are different from those experienced when he takes a nipple into his mouth: or a toy, or his mother’s or father’s finger.1. According to the author, “some of the difficult problems of the race” (Para. 1) refers to ________.2. The author compares a baby with a scientist (Para. 2) in order to make the point that ________.3. The author apparently believes that infancy learning begins with ________.4. The account of how an infant learns to discriminate between his own body and the body of others suggests that ________.





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