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【考生回忆版】The blueprint for a house (its(62)design) is not complete without a representation of doors, windows, and utility connections for water electricity, and telephone(not to mention cable TV). The "doors, windows, and utility connections" for computer software make up the interface design of a system.Interface design focuses on three areas of concern: ①the design of interfaces between software(63),②the design of interfaces between the software and other nonhuman producers and consumers of information (i.e., other external entities), and ③the design of the interface between a human (i.e., the user) and the computer.Frustration and anxiety are part of daily life for many users of computerized information systems. They struggle to learn command language or menu selection systems that are supposed to help them do their job. Some people encounter such serious cases of computer shock, terminal terror, or network neurosis that they avoid using(64)systems.It is true that graphical user interfaces, windows, icons, and mouse picks have eliminated many of the most horrific interface problems. But even in a "Windows world." we all have(65)user interfaces that are difficult to learn, hard to use, confusing, counterintuitive, unforgiving. and in many cases,totally frustrating. Yet, someone spent time and energy building each of these interfaces, and it is not likely that the builder created these problems purposely. User interface design has as much to do with the study of people as it does with(66)issues.





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