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今年暑期,国人参观博物馆的热情空前高涨,许多博物馆一票难求。特别是像故宫物院、敦煌莫高窟等一些热门博物馆。情况更为突出。如今我国博物馆总数已有六千多家,但比起发达国家,我国博物馆的人均数仍有较大差距。如何缓解当前博物馆“一票难求”的状况?有几位专家分别建议如下:  甲:目前藏品资源过度集中在一些大型国有博物馆,导致这些大馆“票难求”要让大馆主动向小馆分流一些藏品。只有分流藏品,才能分流观众。  乙:要珍惜人们参观博物馆的热情。博物馆要积极争取相关部门支持,在原有基础上扩建展馆,是提高观展人数上限,最人限度满足人们的参观需求。  丙:大型博物馆可征用和修缮一些老旧建筑作布展之用,既能扩大展览面积、增添展览氛围,又可分流大馆观众。国外一些著名博物馆就建在老旧建筑里。  丁:我国不同种类的博物馆太少。要新建一批不同种类的博物馆,方面可以满足不同观众的不同需求,另一方面也能为热门博物馆分流观众。       戊:博物馆要充分利用网络、学校等平台多向观众介绍馆藏特色、服务安排等内容,适当延长开放时间,引导部分观众避开客流高峰顺利观展。根据上述信息,专家们的建议可分为以下哪两类?若要缓解当前博物馆“一票难求”的状况,则以下哪项建议最为合理?


These heat action plans, or HAPs, have been proliferating in India in the past few years. In general, an HAP spells out when and how officials should issue heat warnings and alert hospitals and other institutions. Nagpur’s plan, for instance, calls for hospitals to set aside “cold wards” in the summer for treating heatstroke patients, and advises builders to give construction laborers a break from work on very hot days.But implementation of existing HAPs has been uneven, according to a March report from the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), a prominent Indian think tank. It reviewed 37 plans adopted by cities, states, or administrative districts.Many lack adequate funding, it found. And their triggering thresholds often are not customized to the local climate, says Dileep Mavalankar, director of the Indian Institute of Public Health, who has been closely involved in Ahmedabad’s HAP. In some areas, high daytime temperatures alone might serve as an adequate trigger for alerts. Ahmedabad, for example, set its threshold for initial alerts at 41°C based on data showing that heat-related deaths began to climb at that point. But in other places, nighttime temperatures or humidity might be as important a gauge of risk as daytime highs.Mumbai’s April heat stroke deaths highlighted the need for more nuanced and localized warnings, researchers say. That day’s high temperature of roughly 36°C was 1°C shy of the heat wave alert threshold for coastal cities set by national meteorological authorities. But the effects of the heat were amplified by humidity—an often neglected factor in heat alert systems—and the lack of shade at the late-morning outdoor ceremony. Ironically, the state of Maharashtra, which includes Mumbai, had adopted its own HAP just 2 months before the tragedy. It advised shifting outdoor events to early mornings on hot days.To help improve HAPs, Kotharkar’s team is working on a model plan that outlines best practices and could be adapted to local conditions. Among other things, she says, all cities should create a vulnerability map to help focus responses on the populations most at risk. (The CPR study found that only two of the 37 HAPs it examined identified the most vulnerable populations.)Such mapping doesn’t need to be complex, Kotharkar says. “A useful map can be created by looking at even a few key parameters.” For example, neighborhoods with a large elderly population or informal dwellings that cope poorly with heat could get special warnings or be bolstered with cooling centers. The Nagpur project has already created a risk and vulnerability map, which enabled Kotharkar to tell officials which neighborhoods to focus on in the event of a heat wave this summer.HAPs shouldn’t just include short-term emergency responses, researchers say, but also recommend medium- to long-term measures that could make communities cooler. In Nagpur, for example, Kotharkar’s team has been able to advise city officials about where to plant trees to provide shade. HAPs could also guide efforts to retrofit homes or tweak building regulations. “Reducing deaths [in an emergency] is good target to have, but it’s the lowest [target],” Singh says.31.According to Paragraph 1,Nagpur's plan proposes measures to _____.32. One problem with existing HAPs is that they _____.33. Mumbai's case shows that India's heat alert systems need to _____.34.Kotharkar holds that a vulnerability map can help _____.35.According to the last paragraph, researchers believe that HAPs should _____.





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