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从第1~5题后所给的6个选项中为第①~⑤段每段选择1个正确的小标题;从第6~10题后所给的6个选项中选择5个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。Life of the Samoans① The Samoan islands are 2,300 miles south of the Hawaiian islands. Though the land is steep, the islands have a plant cover watered by up to 200 inches of rain a year. All that rain does not affect outdoor activity much, since the showers do not last long. And the water disappears quickly into the soil. ② The Samoans plant three major tree crops. They require little work except in harvesting. Once planted, with a few years of waiting, the breadfruit tree continues to produce about two crops a year for up to half a century. Coconut (椰子) trees may continue to produce for a hundred years. And banana trees make new stems of fruit for many years.③ The Samoan men also clear small land for a crop called taro. But even taro doesn't require much work; planting requires nothing more than slightly burying the top sliced off a root just harvested. Young men do most of the planting and harvesting and women mostly do the occasional weeding.④ This kind of farming behavior makes people think the Samoans are lazy. But they cannot weed as often as European farmers. In contrast with the flat European farmlands, the land of Samoa is steep. The casual farming allows the deep and shallow roots of the various plants growing together to hold the loose soil.⑤ The Samoans keep chickens and pigs, but they are eaten only occasionally. The major source of animal protein (蛋白质) for the Samoans is fish. Younger men may swim in the deep sea for fish; older men will be more likely to stand on the reef (珊瑚礁) and catch the fish swimming inside the reef.1. Paragraph①:2. Paragraph②:3. Paragraph③:4. Paragraph④:5. Paragraph⑤:6. The yearly rainfall of the Samoan islands is        .7. The Samoans do not need to work a lot to        .8. Women on the Samoan Islands        .9. The casual farming makes people feel that         .10. Chickens and pigs are kept by the Samoans, but          .


Risk Loving It  Do you know how it is when you want something so much it hurts? That's the way it was with me on my 11th birthday. 1 didn't know then that getting something doesn't mean it will always be yours.  It was a Saturday. Dad gave me $25 to buy my own birthday gift. While passing a pet shop, I found a little dog called Yorky. When he saw me he barked twice, pawing (挠) the window. I went inside and reached down to pet him; he licked (舔) my hand. I bought Yorky at once. Since then, Yorky followed me everywhere, often jumping up and down with excitement. I believed he was mine forever.  It happened in February. I was going home from school as usual, and I stopped three blocks away to whistle for Yorky. He didn't come. I whistled again. Then I began to run. I stopped before I got to the street in front of our house. I could see him lying still in the middle of the street on his side. I saw the tire marks. I knew he was dead.  Then I put all my energy into baseball. At least I was tired at night and could sleep without missing Yorky. One afternoon, I was halfway home when I noticed this thing following me. It was the funniest-looking dog you've ever seen.“Get away from me! 1 don't like dogs," I shouted. But for two days it kept showing up at my door. I began to feed it when Dad got home from work and said,“Go ahead. Risk loving it." Then 1 held the dog up in my arms and cried like a baby.1. After I turned eleven, I understood         .2. I decided to have Yorky because he         .3. I found Yorky dead          .4. After Yorky left me, I            . 5. I refused to keep the new dog at first because          .


India's “Macaron (小圆饼) Queen”  Pooja was a young Indian woman. She opened her own macaron store a few years ago. She should have been a lawyer. But while studying law at university in Mumbai, she decided to quit. She wanted to do something more creative. She had helped her mother in the kitchen during her childhood, so she decided to work with food instead of legal cases.  Pooja persuaded her parents to let her go to Switzerland to study cooking and management. Returning to Mumbai upon graduation, she set to work in her parents' kitchen. She wanted to develop her own macaron recipe (配方). It took her around six months of research and 60 failed recipes to finally get something right.  When she had a recipe she was proud of, her businessman father agreed to put money into her business. Yet being both young and female, she faced challenges. “The biggest problem was to get people to take you seriously," she said.“For example, if I had to sign a lease (租约) for a place, or buy machinery, I would have to ask my father to make the phone calls for me.”  She named the business after "Le 15 Patisserie” in Paris, where she once lived. In Mumbai, very few people knew what a macaron was. People never tried one. Pooja decided to give away free samples. The cakes were immediately popular, and sales soon started to go up thanks to positive word of mouth.  Pooja also started running classes on how to make macarons and other cakes. This made the business better known. She even published a book on cooking. It became a best-seller in India. One newspaper article called her“the macaron queen of India.”1. Pooja became a lawyer after graduation.2. Pooja thought cooking was more creative than law.3. Pooja studied cooking in Switzerland for six months.4. Pooja got the right macaron recipe from her parents.5. Pooja's father refused to give her the money for the business.6. Pooja's father sometimes helped her make business calls.7. Pooja lived in Paris for five years.8. At the beginning, Pooja let people try macarons for free.9. Pooja offered courses on how to make macarons.10. The book Pooja published was not popular.


从第1~5题后所给的6个选项中为第①~⑤段每段选择1个正确的小标题;从第6~10题后所给的6个选项中选择5个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。The First Image of America① Patricia Jose moved from the Philippines to America with her parents when she was a child. They didn't know many people in California when they first arrived that summer.② At the end of the summer. school began. Patricia was in eighth grade. She had her schoolbag on one shoulder, with notebooks, a ruler, a pencil box and her lunch in it. She still remembers what she had for lunch on the first day of school—rice and tilapia (罗非鱼). Her mom placed every thing in a big lunch box, knowing she had a good appetite.③ When she walked into the classroom, everyone became quiet and looked at her. She was the only Filipino in that room. Everyone was white. They began the day by introducing themselves. When it was her turn to speak, everyone began to laugh. But she knew it had nothing to do with the language. It was her accent.④ Some students tried to be nice, especially during lunch. But it didn't last long. She followed a group of students to the canteen and sat down at an empty table. Some girls joined her. As she opened her lunch box, she saw their heads tum away. They didn't like the smell of fish and left. In the Philippines, the only way to eat fish and rice is with your hands, But that manner was strange here in America. She felt ashamed of the way she ate.⑤ when she got home. she lied to her parents. She told them school was great and that she was excited to go back. But deep down, she wanted to go back to the Philippines.1. Paragraph①:2. Paragraph②:3. Paragraph③:4. Paragraph④:5. Paragraph⑤:6. Patricia's mom prepared a big lunch box for her as            .7. She attracted the attention of the whole class because           .8. Her strange accent           .9. The smell of her food            .10. She didn't tell her parents             .


  The European settlers moved to Africa a hundred years ago. Often they took land away from the Africans and set up farms at that time. Then they would hire the Africans to work on the farms at low wages. The best farms were in the White Highlands. That was where the owheat, coffee and com were grown, Let us visit a farm belonging to Mr. Brown, a European settler a century ago.  If you are an African, you must change your clothes before you go. Put on dity old clothes, the more ragged (衣衫褴褛) the better. Mr. Brown knows educated Africans by the way they dress. He does not allow these people to visit his farm. He says they are lazy and they have strange ideas that his workers do not need to know. In fact, he is afraid the outsiders will notice some things.  When you look around his big farm, you wonder where his workers live. All you see are some mud huts (窝棚), which you might think are for animals. A wire fence and a big ditch (沟) surround these huts. Mr. Brown has told his workers that the fence and ditch are necessary to keep thieves away. But Mr. Brown's own house has no fence and ditch. You might think that Mr. Brown just wanted to fence in his workers.  The farm is very large and rich. It has many good fat sheep, cows and pigs. But the workers are thin and hungry-looking. They all have dirty, ragged clothes. Yet they are very friendly and will take you to their homes. The hut is their kitchen, dining room, bedroom and bathroom. Everyone in the family sleeps there. The children all sleep on the floor with the sheep. You might not have dreamed that people can live so miserably.1. The European settlers              .2. Educated Africans are not allowed to visit the farm because they              .3. Mr. Brown built the fence and ditch to              .4. The African workers              .5. The best title for the text is              .


The Yellow Treehouse  Whenever I travel abroad, I try to eat out as much as possible in order to explore the local culture. Over the years, I have been to a great number of restaurants, Some of them have impressed me deeply. If I were to make a list of the most remarkable local restaurants, New Zealand's Yellow Treehouse would top my list.  This restaurant is located in the woods of Warkworth. It is about a 40-minute drive north of Auckland. It is a wooden tree house built ten meters above the ground on a Redwood tree. From the ground, it looks like a small onion-shaped knag (木节) in Ihe middle of the tree trunk. The restaurant also has a narrow wooden bridge. It connects the restaurant with the neighboring trees. The place looks particularly pretty at night!  Inside, the place feels quite different from what it looks like outside. It is spacious (宽敞的) and comfortable, What I like the most about the construction is that it is built entirely of natural materials. The restaurant can host up to 30 guests at a time. It is a perfect place for a family celebration, like a wedding or a bithday party.  The cook of the place does a great job as well. The menu mainly consists of local food. Overall, the dinner is tasty, and the service attentive and polite. The place is really a must-see, or rather a must-cat-in.1. When I travel abroad, I often eat in restaurants.2. Yellow Treehouse impressed me the most among the local restaurants.3. Warkworth is a suitable place for restaurants.4. Yellow Treehouse lies in the center of  Auckland.5. The night view of the restaurant is very attractive.6. The inside of the restaurant is narrow but comfortable. 7. The best thing I like about the construction is its onion shape.8. The restaurant can serve more than 30 people at a time.9. Many local people choose to have parties in the restaurant.10. The restaurant takes good care of the customers.





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