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Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. Some insects imitate other insects or creatures. If a harmless insect looks like a harmful insect or creature, predators stay away. Result: The insect escapes being eaten, and so it survives. This works the other way, too. A harmful insect can look like a harmless one and surprise its prey. Result: The harmful insect gets food to eat, and so it survives. Some insects have coloring or patterns that enable them to mix well with a background. This is called camouflage(伪装). It helps an insect to look like other things around it. That way it is hard for other insects or creatures to see the insect. You must look very carefully to find a camouflaged insect. A camouflaged insect seems to be almost invisible. Camouflage can be helpful in two ways. A camouflaged predator can surprise the insect that it is hunting for food. Or a camouflaged prey becomes almost invisible, and its predator will not see it and attack it. Some insects look like other things in nature, such as twigs(树枝)or leaves. This appearance is called a disguise(掩饰). For a disguise to work, the insect stays very still for hours at a time. There are many more insects that have such adaptations. Some insects look like dead leaves, tree bark (the outer covering of a tree), beautiful flowers,or something else in nature. These disguises are critical to their survival. 26. According to the passage, which of the following is a predator?


Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. In the 1700s, the southern states now known as Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas were planting fields of cotton to try to meet the clothing needs of a growing nation. More cotton was being grown than there were people to work the fields. Slaves were brought by force from their homelands to help plant and harvest the cotton. Slaves were people who were considered property, so they worked without being paid and often received little food or personal comforts. Many of the slaves in the southern United States created songs to pass the time as they worked in the fields or when they had time off. Most of these songs expressed their longing for their homelands, their beliefs, or their feelings about the poor conditions in which they lived and worked. From these songs of sadness grew the music known as the blues. The only way to hear music in the 1700s and through the mid-1800s was to hear a live performance, so blues music stayed largely in the South. Then, in the 1870s, came the invention of the phonograph(留声机). The phonograph brought blues from the backyards and fields of a few people into the living rooms of many. With the invention of the phonograph, blues music spread. Record companies discovered that people would pay money to buy blues music for their phonographs. The record companies started searching for more blues music. As the music became popular, more people learned how to play and to sing the blues. 21. The southern states grew so much cotton in the 1700s because .


Newspapers in the Classroon ①Creating a classroom newspaper will be a great fun. First of all, decide who is going to work on what section of the newspaper. For example, one group could handle the Sports section, and another could take care of the Arts. All students should have some say as to which news stories will be included. ②Next, before you begin any work, it's a good idea to have a look at a few different examples. Collect some from home, or find them at your local or school library. As you are reading through your newspapers, take note of what parts of the newspaper impress you the most. If the newspapers you have are old and no longer being used by anyone, cut some of your favorite sections and pictures out. They can be used later on. ③Keep track of your ideas by separating them into sections, much the same as a real paper is in sections. Do you want a sports section? An arts page? A science section? These are the things you need to decide. ④One really wonderful way to decide what kind of feeling your newspaper will have is to carry out a survey, either in the classroom or the entire school. Questions you could ask include: What do you like reading about? Do you prefer pictures or stories? And what do you like best in the newspapers you read? ⑤When you are set with your ideas, you will have to think about the next step which is actually putting the newspaper together. Decisions to be made include: How many pages will your newspaper have? Who will write the articles, draw the pictures and/or take the photos? How many articles will the newspaper have? Task 1 16.Paragraph①:





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