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Most people would agree that how a teacher dresses should not have much to do with his or her effectiveness as a teacher. Yet two studies suggest that the clothes worn by teachers make a difference in how students see and respond to them.In one study, the researchers wanted to know if teachers would be viewed differently depending on the clothes they wore. They had teachers dress in three different styles: professional, casual professional, or casual. It was found that students' judgment of theteachers'expertise(专门知识) decreased as clothes became more casual. On the other hand, the teachers who dressed casually were seen as more interesting,out -going-(开朗的and friendly.In another study, the researchers asked students to complete surveys about their teachers'clothing. The students also answered questions about their views of their teachers, what they learned from their courses and their own classroom behavior. The results showed a close link between teachers'clothing and the ratings students gave them. Students also reported that they behaved better and learned more when the teachers dressed formally.The results suggest some clothing strategies for teachers. If the goal is to appear capable and maintain order, it is a good idea to dress formally. If the goal is to be viewed as out-going and friendly, casual clothing might be a better choice. The best approach might be to match clothes with the educational goals of the class. 1. The results of the two studies .2. Students' judgment of teachers' expertise increased as their teachers .3. When the teachers dressed formally, students would .4. It is suggested that teachers' dressing style should .5. Which of the following is the best title for the text?


Marriages of The Times Arvind and Renu got married recently. Their wedding followed the pattern of traditional Indian marriage. The girl's family judged the boy's job future, and the boy's family investigated(调查) the girl's' background and character. Then Arvind's parents gave Renu the traditional pre-wedding gifts of clothes and jewelry. After the wedding. Renu moved into the home of her husband's parents. Renu and Arvind met through a newspaper ad! Renu's father placed the ad in The Hindustan Times, a national newspaper. Arvind's father looked in the newspapers and saw the ad.“One has to depend on modem resources. You want to find someone who is well educated and from a good family for your child. The newspaper ads give you more choices,“said Arvind's father. His son and new daughter-in-law agree. They share the feelings of many young Indians who accept newspaper ads, placed by their parents, as the ideal way to find a mate:”We trusted our parents completely, ”said Arvind.Social scientists explain that marriage through newspaper ads is becoming more common in India. They say that it is one sign of social change. In the past, Indian parents would arrange marriages with the sons or daughters of their friends and neighbors. Now Indian society is not as stable as it was in the past. People move all the time. They do not get to know the people in their community well. The ads show another change, too. People still expect a woman to be attractive and a good housekeeper. But families are also looking fo women and men with an education. Status is becoming less important.1. Arvind and Renu are newly-married Indian couple.2. Renu's family investigated Arvind's background before the wedding.3. Renu received gifts from Arvind's parents before the wedding.4. Renu refused to move into her husband's home before the wedding.5. Arvind and Renu met online.6. Arvind's father considered newspaper ads a good way to find a mate for his son.7. Most young Indians do not trust their parents to arrange their marriage.8. Arranged marriage is no longer accepted in many countries of the world.9. People in Indian communities know each other better now.10. Education is an important factor in Indian marriage now.


Jungle Highway① Central Brazil has been invaded (入侵) by engineers and construction workers. They have cut through the Amazon jungle to build a new road across Brazil.② The new road is called the Trans-Amazon Highway. It links the cities of Brazil's east coast with another highway that stretches to the Pacific. The highway connects cities all over Brazil with new settlements in central Brazil.③ Brazilians are both hopeful and anxious about the highway project. The land of northeastern Brazil is dry. It is difficult for the people to grow enough food or make enough money. They expect the new highway to provide new farmland and many jobs. They also expect new towns and cities to develop along the highway. They believe people will move from the coastal cities and help develop central Brazil.④ The highway is a great challenge to Brazilian engineering. Huge cutting machines are used to clear away thick jungle growth. There are other challenges, too. Workers have to deal with heavy rains, biting insects, diseases and loneliness. They do not bring their families with them. They often miss their families and friends at home.⑤ Ecologists(生态学家)are worried about problems the new highway has brought. The rainforest has only a thin layer (层)of rich soil. This layer has been protected by tall trees and fed by dead leaves and plants. But construction is destroying the forest. The trees have been cleared away to make room for the road and new settlements. Ecologists believe there will be no good farmland. Already, some areas of the jungle have turned into dry and dusty deserts.Task11.Paragraph ①:2.Paragraph ②:3.Paragraph ③:4.Paragraph ④:5.Paragraph ⑤:Task26. Trees in the jungle have been cut_____.7. People in northeastern Brazil expect the highway_____.8.Brazilians hope that_____.9. Road workers often feel lonely because_____.10. Ecologists are worried that_____.


Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein was a famous scientist. He created many theories that completely changed the way people saw our world and the universe. At first, very few scientists could understand his theories. As time passed, other scientists came to accept them.Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879 and grew up in Munich.He was not a good student at school. He only did things he was interested in, like science and math.After school, Einstein went to Switzerland and worked at the Swiss patent(专利) office in Bern.He studied what other people had invented. Later he moved to Berlin, Germany.He lived there for a long time and developed many of his scientific theories. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.In 1933,Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany. Einstein was against the Nazis and their ideas.He decided to leave Germany and go to America. When World War Ⅱ broke out in 1939, Einstein discovered that German scientists were working on a bomb. The bomb could kill thousands of people. He wrote a letter to the American president to warn him. He also suggested that the Americans start building one, too.In 1942,the American government started a project to build the atomic bomb.Two of these bombs were dropped to end the war against Japan.Einstein was shocked when he heard the news.He wanted atomic energy to bring peace to the world.For the last twenty years of his life, Einstein lived in Princeton. He continued his scientific work there. He died on April 18, 1955.1.What can we know about Einstein in his childhood?  2.In which country did Einstein develop many of his theories?  3.Einstein decided to leave for the United States because he_____.4.When Einstein learned about the bombs dropped on Japan, he felt_____.5.What can be inferred about Einstein from the passage?  


Why I Love My JobRoss is a public school teacher. She teaches a group of, mostly, seniors and she loves what she does."My job is great,"she said."That is the only way to describe it.As teachers, we have the opportunity to completely change someone's life by providing him or her with a good education."Ross moved to Austin in 1981 to attend the University of Texas. She earned a degree in math. Since her graduation, she has enjoyed teaching high school students in Texas for nearly 30 years. Over the years, she has taught every level of high school math."I've always taught high school students," she said. "I like their energy, and I enjoy teaching seniors because they are getting ready to move on."Ross also believes teaching helps her keep a balance between work and life. It has allowed her to have the same work schedule as her children's school schedule. When her sons were younger, she worked during the day while her musician husband worked at night. So daycare was never a problem. Today her two boys share the same daily schedule and the same winter, spring and summer vacations with her.Teaching brings other benefits, too. Entry-level salaries of teachers are competitive with other fields. Teachers are also offered good retirement benefits and insurance.“Due to bad economy, very few places offer a pension now and teaching is one of them," she said.1.Ross believes that good education can change a person's life.2.Ross has been teaching in Austin since 1981.3.Ross is able to teach every level of high school math.4.Ross is one of the most popular teachers in her high school.5.Ross enjoys teaching high school students.6.Ross' husband used to have a day-time job when their sons were younger.7.Ross' two sons are interested in music.8.Ross often goes traveling with her sons during their vacations.9.New teachers earn much less than beginners in other fields.10.Because of bad economy, teachers are losing their pensions, too.


The Inuit People① People often call them Eskimos(爱斯基摩人),but they prefer to be called Inuit,which means "humans" in their own language. The Inuit people leam English or French at school, but they speak their own language at home. Children are also given lessons on their traditional activities at school in their own language.② The most famous kind of house the Inuit make is a small hut called igloo.The hut is a temporary shelter.It is used during hunting trips in winter. Today,most Inuit live in modern houses with heating systems. They also have television sets, telephones and the Intemet.③ Traditionally,the Inuit eat food rich in protein(蛋白质) like raw meat.Raw meat contains more vitamins than cooked meat,and is easier to eat in the Inuit's cold environment where lighting up a wood fire for cooking is impossible.Nowadays, the Inuit shop at the supermarket, drink Coca Cola and use the refrigerator.④ In summer,men fish and hunt from their small boat made of wood or sealskin.In winter, they use dog sleds(雪橇).They sit still for hours waiting for a seal to pop its head up from a hole dug out of the ice. Today, it is much easier to hunt with guns,but the lnuit stil prefer to use traditional weapons like throwing sticks.⑤ The main threat the Inuit face today is the destruction of their environmcent. Global warming caused mainly by developed nations has terrible consequences on the area where the Inuit live.Animals are especially threatened. Some species are even dying off.21.The Inuit's children learn their traditional customs in(    )22. Now the Inuit live in modern houses(  )23.The Inuit did not cook meat in the past(  )24.Today the Inuit still like to hunt(  )24.Today the Inuit still like to hunt(  )


The Inuit People① People often call them Eskimos(爱斯基摩人),but they prefer to be called Inuit,which means "humans" in their own language. The Inuit people leam English or French at school, but they speak their own language at home. Children are also given lessons on their traditional activities at school in their own language.② The most famous kind of house the Inuit make is a small hut called igloo.The hut is a temporary shelter.It is used during hunting trips in winter. Today,most Inuit live in modern houses with heating systems. They also have television sets, telephones and the Intemet.③ Traditionally,the Inuit eat food rich in protein(蛋白质) like raw meat.Raw meat contains more vitamins than cooked meat,and is easier to eat in the Inuit's cold environment where lighting up a wood fire for cooking is impossible.Nowadays, the Inuit shop at the supermarket, drink Coca Cola and use the refrigerator.④ In summer,men fish and hunt from their small boat made of wood or sealskin.In winter, they use dog sleds(雪橇).They sit still for hours waiting for a seal to pop its head up from a hole dug out of the ice. Today, it is much easier to hunt with guns,but the lnuit stil prefer to use traditional weapons like throwing sticks.⑤ The main threat the Inuit face today is the destruction of their environmcent. Global warming caused mainly by developed nations has terrible consequences on the area where the Inuit live.Animals are especially threatened. Some species are even dying off.16.Paragraph ①:17.Paragraph ②:18. Paragraph ③:19. Paragraph ④:20. Paragraph ⑤:


Classrooms Are Growing GreenerA"green classroom" used to refer to the color of paint on the wall. But today's green classrooms are greener than that! New"green" classrooms help schools save money and provide clean environments where students learn better.Many classrooms are going green by adding a group of solar panels(太阳能电池板)to their roofs to absorb the sun's rays. The solar panels collect energy from the sun and use it to power lights and computers. They create at least as much electricity as the classrooms use. In addition, new lighting and air systems can be programmed to lower energy costs and water use.Many new"green" classrooms are built using recycled materials. Some even use small pieces of material from blue jeans to cover walls and ceilings. This cuts heat and air conditioning bills, and it helps to soundproof (隔音)classrooms, too.Green schools include many other new ideas. Some classrooms are painted with special smell-free paints that help improve indoor air.Some use no glues as they add chemical smells to the air. Others use three sheets of glass in windows and skylights to help keep classrooms warm in cold weather and let in a lot of natural daylight.Experts say the benefits of building greener classrooms go beyond cost savings.Studies show that a healthful environment with good air quality can reduce colds and flu by more than 50 percent. That means fewer sick days for students and teachers. Studies have also shown that natural light and other green parts of the classroom improve students'learning and test scores.11. The new green classroom refers to one that(  )12.Lower costs for energy and water use are achieved by(  )13.Old blue jeans are used in building some green classrooms to(  )14.Indoor air quality can be improved by using(  )15.What is the benefit of building greener classrooms?


A Good Deed Each DayEvery New Year's Day, millions of people make a resolution, but it usually falls by thewayside within a few months, wecks or even days. However,26-year-old Luke Cameron is not one of them. The young man decided to do at least one good deed a day, for 366 days—and he has not missed yet.Luke did his first good deed on January 1,2020.He simply greeted a waitress when he visited a café.The next day he bought food and drinks for some homeless people.And he followed it up by giving coins to a woman, as she did not have enough to feed a parking meter.Though most of his kind gestures have been welcomed,Luke says there have been a few awkward(尴尬的) situations. Once,as he was trying to give away a £20 bill to an old lady,her granddaughter expressed doubt about his purpose.Another time he bought a sausage roll for a homeless man, but this man happened to be a vegetarian(素食者).Luke has carefully recorded his good deeds in an online diary. Most of them have been about helping people with small things-like taking out the garbage for an old neighbour or helping a disabled lady pick out a dress for a party. However, the young man has also spent nearly £4,000 of his own money buying gifts for the children in need.Luke's kind deeds won him a good reputation(名声). He was offered a job for which he can earn £35,000 a year.Now the young man plans to continue doing good deeds well after the first 366 are done, on December 31,2020.1.Many people fail to keep their new year's resolutions.2.Luke did not make a New Year resolution for 2020.3.Luke has been doing good things each day since the New Year's Day.4.Luke's first good deed was to buy food and drinks for the homeless.5. Luke was in charge of a car park.6. The old lady's granddaughter appreciated Luke's donation.7.Luke did not want pcople to know about his good deeds.8.Luke bought some gifts for the children in need with his own money.9.Luke believes that doing small favors is more valuable than money donation.10.Luke plans to continue helping others in the year 2021.


Summer Blues① We students all have summer blues. It’s that moment ,when we haven’t left the house for days and the Internet has become our closest friend. This usually takes place in the heat of summer, when we forget there’s a world outside of our rooms. It’s usually our darkest hours, which is difficult to get out of, but not impossible. ② Getting a summer job can help provide structure for your life. Without school schedule, it’s difficult to try to get out of bed. In fact, we've been training ourselves for most of summer to sleep in until noon. But if you commit yourself to a job, then it can act as a reason to get up in the morning. ③ Another way to avoid the summer blues is by living a healthier lifestyle. Join a gym.Start shopping at your local market. Keep your room clean. Or maybe pick up a new hobby and become a master at it. A little change in your life can have a significant effect in the long run. ④The best way to avoid getting in a bad state is by packing your summer full of camps. With a new adventure waiting around the corner every week, how will an individual not want to wake up? You can attend two or three camps every year. You will find that you’ve met some of your closest friends from summer camps. ⑤ Sometimes, however, people do not realize they have suffered from the summer blues. They stay locked inside their houses for hours. If you know people like this, then call them up. Take them out for dinner. Catch a movie with them. Do not let your friends come down with a strong case of the summer blues.16. Paragraph①:17. Paragraph②:18. Paragraph③:19. Paragraph④:20. Paragraph⑤:21. In summer, students usually stay at home( ).22. One way to schedule your life during vacation is( ).23. Students can fill the vacation with( ).24. Summer camps offer students chances( ).25. We may help our friends out of summer blues by( ).


While you're in a lift, waiting to reach your floor, do you ever wonder who came up with the idea? Probably not. We just expect to have safe lifts in buildings. Lifts existed as far back as ancient Rome. But the ancient “lifts” weren’t closed cars. They were simple platforms. They were typically used to raise up water for farming or lift heavy building materials such as stones. These lifts were powered by animals, people or even water wheels. The first modem passenger lift was built for King Louis XV in 1743. The King’s lift was installed (安装)on the outside of his palace. It went from the first to the second floor. The King entered it from his balcony, and then men raised and lowered the lift through the use of ropes and wheels. Lifts became more common in the mid-1800s during the Industrial Revolution when they transported goods in factories and mines. There lifts were often based on a hydraulic(液压的)system. However, this type of lifts was impractical for tall buildings, although it became popular because it could operate with the public water system. Another lift design (and the one found most often today in passenger lifts) uses a cable system, in which ropes raise and lower the car by means of a wheel and gear (齿轮)system. These types of lifts are easier to control, and buildings that have them do not need the extra room required by hydraulic systems. By the 1850s, these types of lifts had been powered by water pressure or steam.11.The lifts in ancient Rome__.12. The first modem passenger lift was__.13. During the Industrial Revolution, lifts were__.14. The lift based on a cable system__.15. Which of the following is the best title for the text?


Setting Effective Goals Avital Schweitzer, 17, is clearly goal-directed. She works hard to achieve the various tasks in her life. This summer she attended a program at the University of California, Santa Barbara, for high school students who are interested in research. Avital says that she rarely clearly states and discusses her goals. But goal-setting has always played a role in her life. During her junior year, for instance, she set personal goals to win a tennis championship and to become debate-team captain. Avital says, “In an academic environment when I set goals for myself, I often make lists that I need to complete in order to achieve them. The lists can include doing problem sets, meeting with a teacher or asking specific questions. When I run into difficulties,I reach out to resources for help or advice, like the Internet, my teachers or my parents. I think that learning about the best types of goals to set and standard methods to achieve these goals could be very useful in my day-to-day life.” Who else is better to turn to for this kind of insight into the art and science of goal-setting than your own father? Avital’s dad, Maurice Schweitzer, a Wharton professor of operations and information management, has researched the topic extensively. He said,“Goals are powerfully motivating and will help us get where we want to be. Across every field, people who set specific, challenging goals do better than people who go out and just aim to do their best.”1. Avital was a student of the University of California, Santa Barbara.2. Avital is interested in research.3. Avital often shares her goals with her best friends.4. Avital won a tennis championship in junior high.5. Avital wanted to become debate-team captain during her junior year.6. Avital often makes lists of goals to find which goal is the best for her.7. Avital believes that it is best to solve her problems through the Internet.8. Avital has gained from her father the insights about goal-setting.9. Avital’s father has done much research on goal-setting.10. To Avital’s father, aiming to do best is more important than goal-setting.





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