首页 > 题库 > 学历提升 > 自学考试 > 自考本科 > 00522《英语国家概况》预测卷(三)


  • 总       分:99分
  • 及格分数:59.4分
  • 总  题  数:63
  • 考试时间:150分钟
  • 试卷类型:模拟试卷



Multiple Choice Questions (50 points, 1 points for each) Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statements or questions, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statements or answers the question. Blacken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.
Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(30 points, 3 points for each)
Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answers on the answer sheet in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points each)